Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My camera on sunset mode....
Kim's camera on, 'make sure you can see their faces' mode!
Mom's digitally remastered version of the photo. Did you guys know that there are some great puzzles in the back room????
Our usual annual family vacation is to Brosnan Forrest. We have been so lucky to be able to go year after year. this year, it was another family's turn so we redirected to....Mayport Naval. As a retiree, Pa Pa gets to rent rooms from the base that are right on the beach. This was a wonderful substitutes for the Forrest. Don't worry Forrest, you are still our favorite :)

Brosnan LOVES his Pa Pa and Gummaw Sitty!Press-on tattoos were not a big hit...good thing because we were not successful with applying them!
Soccer fan!
Brosnan might be refraining from saying Mimi, but he sure can't keep his eyes off of her!
Bedtime story
with IronManda!
I DO NOT try to fit in that chair!

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