Sunday, October 24, 2010

Brosnan's first Jack O'Lantern!

Brosnan and Papa carved a pumpkin!

Papa comes to Jacksonville!

Brosnan took Papa to Conner's Amaizing Corn Maze!!!
Swinging! Water pump races!
The Cow Train!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

@ Grandma and Popcorn's house!

Brosnan had SUCH a good time in Bonneau! He helped Grandma de-head shrimp!
Good times....
They played catch while we packed the car! Brosnan is learning how to catch. The throwing he has mastered!
Brosnan was sad to leave his grandparents.
Not sure if this is...I am missing my grandparents, or if it is....if I fall asleep they will go away again. We missed you buddy! Time to go home!

Brosnan's first haircut!

This looks much more organized than it was! I am not sure if it makes sense that they charge LESS for a child's cut! Seems like more work!
Can you see the look in my eyes? It says, "Is she really going to give him a bowl cut?"
She didn't! And I just realized that we don't have a picture of the finished product! How suspenseful!

Brosnan's first computer art!!!

Brosnan Layne Blanton