Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Will and Brosnan are having a competition to see who is the tallest. Brosnan cheated and used his arms :)

Brosnan's new favorite way to sleep is 'under cover'. Its the funniest thing, as soon as he pulls the blankie over his eyes, he is out like a light! No more fussing because he doesn't want to fall asleep. Who knew it was just to bright for him all along!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Brosnan's Latest!

Brosnan's Newest Top Ten List

  1. Giggles when prompted
  2. Talks up a storm (sometimes on speakerphone with his Dad!)
  3. Rolls over and back
  4. Sleeps through the night some of the time
  5. Is entertained by looking in the mirror
  6. Can get a tight grasp on objects
  7. Is snuggly
  8. Loves the '50 Greatest Cartoons of all Time'
  9. Likes to play
  10. Is growing like a weed

Brosnan's First Flight

Brosnan's first flight took him to Virginia Beach to see his grandparents. He was an angel on both flights, although he HATED standing in line to board, but who does with a stroller, a diaper bag, a carry-on and an infant! :) I am hoping to get some additional pictures from Aunt Annie B and Brosnan's Grandparents and then I will update this blog.

Can't quite figure out who is having more fun here!

Brosnan's First Road Trip

Last weekend Brosnan took his first road trip to Bonneau to stay with the Blanton Grandparents while Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding. He hasn't told us a thing about his trip because as his t-shirt stated, "What happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's"!
Here are some pictures of the beautiful wedding and sunset!
Keith and Melissa
Court and Chris

Brosnan Rolls Over!!!!!!!

What a big week we have had! Brosnan's first road trip to Bonneau to see the Blanton Grandparents and then his first flight to Virginia Beach to see the Lane Grandparents. Today is our first full day back and he rolled over for the first time! It took about 10 minutes of rocking and resting, inclusive of the hiccups and stopping to go to the bathroom, but Brosnan rolled over this afternoon! He absolutely hated the results and immediately started crying and about 10 minutes later had cried himself to sleep. Below are some progressive shots of him in action, starting when I realized what he was trying to do and ending when he started crying. I also have some video that I will add when I figure out the software!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Three Months!

In the Lane Family tradition....
Happy Birthday Toodloo,
Happy Birthday Toodloo,
Happy Birthday dear Brosnan,
Happy Birthday Toooodloooooooo!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 13

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

How cuddly is this little guy!
This is what happens after a hard afternoon of playing! He is zonked!
Can you tell that Mommy likes to take sleepy pictures? :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

03/15/2009 Shuttle Launch

This evening we watched the Shuttle Launch from our back porch. Since my elementary school teacher was a final candidate to be the 'Teacher in Space' I have been fascinated with NASA. What kid in the 80's didn't watch 'Space Camp' and want to go to camp in Huntsville, AL! One of the wonderful things about living in Florida is the opportunity to watch launches from the Kennedy Space Center, from our back porch! The pictures aren't excellent. Next time I will use a tripod. But how cool is it to watch the Space Shuttle launch from your back yard! Some day we will go watch this up close! In case anyone was wondering, the 'fireworks' setting seems to work the best :)
Its hard to tell, but this is the Solid Rocket Boosters after releasing; top left dot is the shuttle, bottom right are the boosters.
This is residual smoke from the launch blowing past our back yard!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brosnan had his third round of shots on Friday. He weighed in at 13 lbs 12 ozs! He gained a pound in 10 days!!!!
One of our outings this week was to Fort Clinch State Park. It was nice, we felt like we had the beach all to ourselves! We missed Erin and Mac. They were preparing for a trip to Switzerland! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Brosnan has all sorts of nicknames but these moves earned him the nickname Houdini! It doesn't matter how tight he is swaddled, he manages to escape! The drive to stick his hand in his mouth helps him accomplish amazing feats!
This is Brosnan's fishing shirt. He can't wait until he is old enough to use the poles that Mr. Toehlke made him!
This is Brosnan's, 'Brosnan's Forest' t-shirt!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Free Kitties!!!!

Brosnan would like to take a moment and share his blog with Percy. A few weeks before Brosnan was born, Percy adopted us. Before we had a chance to have her fixed, it became evident that she was expecting. It is also pretty obvious which neighbors cat is the Daddy. A big shout out to that neighbor for not 'helping to control the pet population by having their pet spayed or neutered'! Anyhoo....if anyone is in the market for a kitty we have six of them that we would like to place with families!

Moms day out expands its membership!

Andrea and Noah Compton joined us today at Castaway Island Preserve for our weekly outting.
Noah is haming it up for the camera!For the first time ever, we had three happy (although wiggly) boys for the group photo!
Lets hope that Brosnan doesn't end up with bad posture like his mommy :(
Noah joined the boys for a group photo, notice how they all look up to him!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Silly things about our favorite little guy

With learning to focus and look at specific things, comes the ability to avoid looking at things as well. Brosnan has learned to 'ignore' us and look everywhere but. I thought that sort of stuff wasn't supposed to happen until he was a teenager!

Brosnan's best buddy is this little lion that dangles from the Baby Einstein. It is guaranteed to bring a smile, that is if he isn't currently 'ignoring' him!

Brosnan is an overachiever...it's not enough for him to suck his thumb, he puts his entire fist in his mouth!

Brosnan is in the beginning stages of teething. He tends to drool a lot and doesn't hesitate to put stuff in his mouth when it's around. Although he appears to share his mothers love of giraffes in the next picture, it is more likely that he is trying to rub his gums on his stuffed animal. This works out nicely as it also helps remove the excess slobber from his face!

Always the center of attention, our little guy can capture the attention of everyone in the room by simply smiling!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brosnan Firsts

Last week Brosnan reached out to grab part of the Baby Einstein toy that he loves so much. First with his left hand (just like his Aunt Kimmie!), then we moved the red bird to the other side and he connected with his right hand too!Tonight, with a bunch of encouragement from his Dad, Brosnan was trying hard to sit up on his own. He was finally sucessfull while holding on to Chris' fingers. This picture is when he was on his way back down, I didn't quite get there in time!