Sunday, June 7, 2009

The weekend...

Yesterday Brosnan and Dad had a play day while mom worked and made beads. We are starting to appreciate Thomas the Train. Especially the cars that make noise!

Brosnan loves to suck on watermelon, but he chunks off pieces and that makes Mom a bit nervous. He usually just gums them for a few minutes then spits them out, but I am a bit worried what would happen if it slipped down his throat. I know...what a worry wort! My cousin Tracy sent this to us when Brosnan was born and I didn't appreciate it until now. It's perfect! I put a piece of watermelon in it and he can gum it all he wants. I recommend using it on bath day though :)
All hail the watermelon paci!!!!
Now that I have discovered my toes, this is my favorite way to sit! Don't you wish you were this flexible?

1 comment:

  1. And I can see that he stuck his fingers to his toes with the bottle of Elmer's glue right next to him. Yuk, Yuk!!!! Cannot believe how fast he is growing.
