Saturday, March 14, 2009

Brosnan had his third round of shots on Friday. He weighed in at 13 lbs 12 ozs! He gained a pound in 10 days!!!!
One of our outings this week was to Fort Clinch State Park. It was nice, we felt like we had the beach all to ourselves! We missed Erin and Mac. They were preparing for a trip to Switzerland! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Brosnan has all sorts of nicknames but these moves earned him the nickname Houdini! It doesn't matter how tight he is swaddled, he manages to escape! The drive to stick his hand in his mouth helps him accomplish amazing feats!
This is Brosnan's fishing shirt. He can't wait until he is old enough to use the poles that Mr. Toehlke made him!
This is Brosnan's, 'Brosnan's Forest' t-shirt!


  1. I think the swaddling may have served it's comes the "net over the crib"

  2. I can hardly wait to meet the little man !!

    sooooo cute

    We had a great time with our "little one" in Iowa
