Monday, February 2, 2009

Week 6

Things Mom loves about Brosnan....
  • When he wakes up he stretches by arching his back and turning his head to the side. He looks so silly and cute!
  • He really loves watching the stuffed Tigers on his Clemson mobile!
  • Kum ba yah seems to be his favorite song.
  • He is beginning to smile in reaction to things that we do and make cooing noises.
  • His skills in burping and tooting make a momma proud :)
  • Sometimes he sleeps with his arms above his head and legs out to the side and bent like a little bug, stuck on his back!
  • Everyone that meets him says that he looks just like his Dad.
  • Even over the phone, the sound of Kim singing Brosnan's song him sooths him.
  • He held his head up with his arms extended for about 30 seconds today - what a strong little man!

Dad and Brosnan take a walk on Atlantic Beach.

Brosnan's new buddy, Jack Shannon, leans in for a kiss.


  1. i love that first picture - definitely frame worthy :)

  2. I can hardly wait to meet him

    Soooooo cute !!

    Love ya
