Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guess who hasn't had an accident in a week!

 bye bye diapers...
 Hello underoos...

Handy Smurf!

First picture and blog from the iPad :) 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brosnan's First Sleep Over

Brosnan went to the Bicklers for the night while Mommy and Daddy went to see some preseason Jags Football!  The kids played dress up, and Brosnan tried on her pink boots.  Scott said he intervened before Mya put Brosnan in a princess dress, he says Mya wears the pants in the relationship :)  Next time I will send Brosnan's flight suit for dress up play!
Then it was movie time and they watched Rio!
This is a 4 am photo opportunity, great shot Annette!  Those guys are zonked!!!!
Meanwhile.....we headed down to Everbank field for some friday night lights!!!
 Erin Koelbel, myself and Diane Blanton getting 'ready for some football'!!!!!!!
 The Blantons enjoying one of our favorite pastimes!

Playing Pirate with Dad!

Amanda made the castle for Brosnan, which easily doubles as a Pirate ship!  We even made him a flag, we just need to build a flagpole now!  Yo ho, Yo ho, a Pirates life for me!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Disney montage!

better late than never :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


My wonderful husband humored me and wore his matching shirt at the same time as Brosnan.  Thank you baby!
 Rob's big date night (also the DiGi's first babysitter, they did a good job relaxing!) to see Larry the Cable Guy. 
 Cherry mess!
We miss you Amanda!
 Lane's legs are getting so strong!
 So sweet!

Brosnan helping Ivory got potty